Rozelle Tragedy

We have withheld this statement until today

The past two and half weeks have been filled with sadness as the Rozelle community learned of the horrific fire on Darling St. This matter has been very close to our hearts. We managed both the shop and the residence in which the fire started. We also manage another 19 clients directly within the exclusion zone who have fallen victim to this incomprehensible tragedy. We have witnessed the emotions and desperation of all involved.

Our hearts and minds go out to those that were so tragically taken from their families, their friends and from us – their community.

Our thoughts are also with those who have lost their homes, properties, businesses, possessions and history.

There is perhaps nothing that unites a community more than true tragedy. A collective loss and pain, imposed without reason or warning and scarring those involved for years to come. At such times, words cannot adequately describe the depth of feeling.

Our role as a community is to hold steadfast with unwavering strength and compassion. In this most trying of times, the Coopers family offers our ongoing love and support to all those that need it

We encourage everyone to help Rozelle get back on its feet. There are so many businesses who need our ongoing patronage and support.

Paul Cooper
Dedicated, energetic and unmatched in local knowledge or experience, Paul Cooper is widely respected as one of the Inner West’s most ethical and skilled real estate professionals.
