On The Spot Busking Competition set for February

Young people in the Leichhardt council area with an amazing talent or unusual skill could be in to win big next month, with the annual On The Spot Busking Competition looking to showcase any and all local young performers in the region.
After starting last year alongside the development of the council's new Busking Policy, this will be the second year the On The Spot competition is held. This offers young people the chance to perform in front of a crowd and be in the running to earn some great prizes!
Spread across Annandale, Balmain, Leichhardt, Lilyfield and Rozelle, these five regions will be taken over by buskers for one weekend only (February 22 and 23) with a wide variety of different busking talents put on display across Sydney's Inner West area.
There are two ways to participate; either as a performer or a social media participant. During the weekend, logging into your social media accounts means you can vote for your favourite performers - getting them one step closer to winning prizes.
This is a great opportunity for the those who live in the local area to get involved with their community and engage with the artistic pursuits of the youth across the suburbs. The Inner West suburbs are known for their creative flair and supportive communities for the arts, and this weekend will be no different.
Street art is a vibrant, organic expression of culture and is something to celebrated. Taking to the streets in support of these pursuits is a fantastic way to help encourage the development and growth of these talents, while engaging through social media can help to inspire and stimulate.
So hit the pavement this February and soak up the sights and sounds of the Inner West's young busking talent!