Head along to National Tree Day and contribute to a more sustainable Australia

Sustainability is very quickly becoming one of the main issues of discussion of Australia, with many people beginning to adopt these ideals into their day-to-day lives. Working together to help repair some of the damage done by humans to the planet means many are beginning to make changes around their homes and workplaces to accommodate a cleaner style of living. 

However, one thing that communities across Australia can band together and participate in is National Tree Day. Held across the nation, people get together from the local communities and plant trees to help encourage biodiversity and facilitate the renewal of vegetation across the country. There are a number of events taking place simultaneously - with the closest one to Sydney's Inner West real estate at Leichhardt Park. 

Taking place on Sunday July 27, National Tree Day in Leichhardt will be an event to remember and fun for the whole family. The location has been chosen due to the native vegetation in the park, with the goal of helping provide new habitat for local native fauna and beautify the location. 

National Tree Day started back in 1996, with the aim of helping give back to the environment and aid the recovery of local plants and trees at multiple locations throughout the nation. Since that initiation, more than 2.8 million people in Australia have worked together to plant over 20 million seedlings - an impressive contribution towards improving the environment they belong to. 

In the lead up to National Tree Day 2014, the organisation highlighted that 78 per cent of Australians prefer to live in a home with multiple natural elements, including trees, shrubs and a well kept garden. With community events like this beginning to gain traction, there could be an increasing number of people adopting these more natural characteristics into their homes. 

If you're interested in doing your part for the environment, pop along to National Tree Day in July and plant a tree for Mother Nature. 

Annalise Cooper
The youngest member of the esteemed Cooper family and the latest to join the family business, Annalise Cooper is a property management and marketing specialist. Surrounded by talk of real estate since she was a baby, it would be fair to say that Annalise was born into her role.
