Take the family to a flick in the park this summer

Local parks in the Inner West will provide a lush backdrop for outdoor movie screenings this summer. The Leichhardt Council is putting on free films as part of its annual Pics in the Park program, which runs from late January until early March.

Those with Leichhardt or Balmain property can utilise their local parks to keep the entire family entertained. And if you're living in nearby suburbs, why not head down one Friday night to catch a flick?

Screening locations vary between the Pioneers Memorial Park on Leichhardt's Norton Street and Balmain's Mort Bay Park, on McKell Street.

The council-initiated event kicks off on Friday January 24 with the screening of 'Satellite Boy' at 9 pm, preceded by indigenous short films.

This Australian film presents the challenges an Aboriginal boy faces when attempting to reconcile his heritage with the introduction of mining activity in his hometown and will be shown at Pioneers Memorial Park.

Water-side Mort Bay Park is just one perk of having Birchgrove real estate and will also host eager outdoor movie-goers as part of the Pics in the Park program.

On February 7, the 2009 animation 'Up' will delight parents and kids with its charming storyline and impressive visuals. 'Up' will be screening from 9 pm at The Village Green, Mort Bay Park.

The same park is host to a showing of the 1984 classic, 'Ghostbusters', on March 7 at 8:30 pm. This film is sure to amuse viewers - why not take a picnic along and make a night of it?

There's also a screening of 'Now You See Me', the 2012 mystery-thriller starring Michael Caine, Jesse Eisenberg, Isla Fisher and Morgan Freeman, on February 21 from 8:45 pm at Pioneers Memorial Park.

Gold coin donations will be collected at each screening to support the Youth Off The Streets Program. You can enjoy a night beneath the stars with the family for next to nothing, all while supporting a good cause.

Matt Cooper
Focused, enthusiastic and highly motivated, Matt Cooper belongs to the new generation of real estate professional. An intuitive, long term thinker with a fresh approach, as Director of Sales Matt is committed to creating a new breed of agency.
